About this Specialization

5,284 recent views
With more companies leveraging software that runs on the Cloud, there is a growing need to find and hire individuals with the skills needed to build solutions on a variety of Cloud platforms. Employers agree: Cloud talent is hard to find. This Specialization is designed to address the Cloud talent gap by providing training to anyone interested in developing the job-ready, pragmatic skills needed for careers that leverage Cloud-native technologies. In the first course, you will learn how to build foundational Cloud computing infrastructure, including websites involving serverless technology and virtual machines, using the best practices of DevOps. The second course will teach you how to build effective Microservices using technologies like Flask and Kubernetes that are continuously deployed to a Cloud platform: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure or Google Cloud Platform (GCP). The third course begins to put together all of the Cloud concepts introduced in the first two courses to tackle more complex data engineering solutions. And finally, in the fourth course you will apply Machine Learning Engineering to build a Flask web application that serves out Machine Learning predictions.
Shareable Certificate
Earn a Certificate upon completion
100% online courses
Start instantly and learn at your own schedule.
Coursera Labs
Includes hands on learning projects.
Learn more about Coursera Labs External Link
Flexible Schedule
Set and maintain flexible deadlines.
Intermediate Level
Approximately 4 months to complete
Suggested pace of 4 hours/week
Shareable Certificate
Earn a Certificate upon completion
100% online courses
Start instantly and learn at your own schedule.
Coursera Labs
Includes hands on learning projects.
Learn more about Coursera Labs External Link
Flexible Schedule
Set and maintain flexible deadlines.
Intermediate Level
Approximately 4 months to complete
Suggested pace of 4 hours/week

How the Specialization Works

Take Courses

A Coursera Specialization is a series of courses that helps you master a skill. To begin, enroll in the Specialization directly, or review its courses and choose the one you'd like to start with. When you subscribe to a course that is part of a Specialization, you’re automatically subscribed to the full Specialization. It’s okay to complete just one course — you can pause your learning or end your subscription at any time. Visit your learner dashboard to track your course enrollments and your progress.

Hands-on Project

Every Specialization includes a hands-on project. You'll need to successfully finish the project(s) to complete the Specialization and earn your certificate. If the Specialization includes a separate course for the hands-on project, you'll need to finish each of the other courses before you can start it.

Earn a Certificate

When you finish every course and complete the hands-on project, you'll earn a Certificate that you can share with prospective employers and your professional network.

There are 4 Courses in this Specialization


Course 1

Cloud Computing Foundations

196 ratings

Course 2

Cloud Virtualization, Containers and APIs

79 ratings

Course 3

Cloud Data Engineering

61 ratings

Course 4

Cloud Machine Learning Engineering and MLOps

60 ratings

Offered by


Duke University

Frequently Asked Questions

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